Saturday, May 21, 2011

and so it begins

I meant to start this blog months ago when I first began my quilt, but it got pushed to the side for some reason - probably schoolwork. The blog was going to be my way of documenting my finial semester of my senior year in high school, but with only 13 school days left, I think it's going to tell the story of my summer instead.

I started my quilt fairly randomly. It was a Wednesday or Thursday night, I was avoiding doing my homework, and I had found a tutorial for making hexagons online (via stumbleupon). I've always bought fabric with the intention of making something great (which inevitably never got finished), so I found myself with all of these fabrics I had collected over 12 years and the perfect project.

I guess you could also say that making this quilt has been a form of therapy - sewing myself back together piece by piece. The past few years had been so filled with depression and anxiety and circumstances I couldn't control; I had been so close to finally being okay when everything I had worked for shattered. My dad and I had a huge fight that was taken to court, me living with my mom full-time, not seeing my dad or his family at all, and the return of my anxiety and depression in crippling proportions.

As soon as I started cutting and sewing the pieces together I began to feel more at peace, like I finally had something that was just for me, no one else. And it helped. I've gone down on my medications and I've felt the happiest I have in years, all because of a quilt. This may be my first quilt, but it certainly won't be my last.

I didn't mean for this quilt to take so long, or be such a huge part of my life, but it is. So here I am, quilting myself back together, piece by piece.

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